The Confluence Trail
This shady 1.5-mile trail hugs the South Fork before curving underneath I-85, Ga. 400 and the Buford Highway Connector. Where privet, vines, weeds and underbrush once choked the Confluence Trail, there are now hardwoods, pines and newly-planted native species. Deer, otter, beavers, songbirds, geese, ducks, fox and muskrat sightings confirm that our hard work to restore the creek is working. It currently ends where the North and South Forks come together to firm Peachtree Creek. We are currently working to connect this natural paradise to the heart of Buckhead.
On-street parking for the trail is available at the cul-de-sac at 2177 Armand Rd.NE. The trailhead starts at Armand Park.
Chestnut Restoration
The Confluence Trail is the site of our efforts to reintroduce the American Chestnut tree, which went extinct due to the Asian Chestnut blight. Click here to read more.
A rain garden welcomes visitors to the Confluence Trail
The Confluence Trail goes underneath I-85, Ga. 400 and the Buford Highway Connector, giving an amazing view of urban infrastructure.